Brookwood Lye Road Roadshow – Reminder

You may have seen the item in the Brookwood Newsletter about the above, and of course I have mentioned it here.

The roadshow is tomorrow afternoon / evening at Brookwood Memorial Halls from 16:00 through to 20:00 and is our chance to look at what is being proposed and feed into the process.

I expect the Leader of the Council, Cllr David Bittleston will be there for the first hour and a half as well as representatives from Thameswey, WBCs housing company. I’m not sure if anyone from highways will be there as they decided to be unnecessarily awkward in my opinion.

I would especially like to encourage young adults to attend as many of the properties here are perfect for that demographic. There will be some information about the ‘Earn Your Deposit Scheme’ which was passed at the Executive last Thursday and goes to full Council this Thursday for adoption. EYDS is WBCs scheme for giving people struggling to enter the housing market a chance. I expect to do a full blog piece on this once it has passed through Council.

